Don’t Leave a Single Dollar on the Table

Let us roll up your angels, corporates & customers into a single line on your cap table at zero cost to the company.

No one likes Party Rounds

Smaller investors can be your biggest supporters, but collecting signatures and wires is a nightmare, and the legal costs aren’t worth it.

Most of all, you need a clean and tight cap table to reduce administrative complexity and give you the best opportunity to attract the next round of VC investors.

We Can Help

A more efficient way to roll-up smaller investors who don’t meet the minimum threshold for direct investment.

  • Allied-rollup-less-time

    LESS Time

    Stop chasing signatures & wires. Let us manage everything from KYC, fund collection, signatures, taxes & wiring, so you can get back to building your company.

  • Allied-rollup-less-fees

    LESS Fees

    Party rounds can consume dozens of expensive legal hours and cost upwards of $30k. Let us manage the entire process at $0 cost to the company.

  • Allied-rollup-less-headache

    LESS Headache

    You control the cap table, with all rollup investors under a single entry. We prepare annual tax returns and K-1s for the lifetime of the investment.

How It Works

Transparent Fees.

One-time Fixed Setup Fee, Paid by Investors

Deal setup, legal & admin costs are a flat $10k USD + filing fees for a first-time investment and $5k USD + filing fees for a follow-on investment, pro-rated across participating investors.

No Ongoing Administrative Costs

We handle all SPV fund formation docs, wire transfers, investor closings, tax returns and K-1 distributions for each participating investor throughout the lifetime of the investment.

More Money for Your Company

A typical early-stage financing can consume dozens of expensive legal hours and cost upwards of $30k in fees (not to mention annual tax docs & filings). We’ll reduce these fees to $0 by pro-rating the cost across participating investors, putting more money into your company’s pocket.


Ready to get started?